India Archives - Sorenson Impact Foundation
VilCap Investments

VilCap Investments

VilCap Investments

VilCap Investments backs entrepreneurs tackling crucial social and environmental challenges in India. They focus on early-stage to growth-stage companies in education, agriculture, energy, and financial services, aiming for both financial returns and positive societal impact.

Waste Ventures

Waste Ventures

Waste Ventures

Waste Ventures India is a waste management social enterprise that is moving India’s solid waste sector to models that are simultaneously environmentally and financially sustainable. We offer professional waste collection and processing services to households, corporate clients and waste pickers. Since late 2013, we have averted over 3,000 tons of waste from Indian dumpsites.

Unitus Capital

Unitus Capital

Unitus Capital

Unitus Capital was founded in July 2008 to accelerate the development of local and international capital markets for the benefit of businesses delivering deep social and environmental impact. Since launch, we have been committed to delivering best-in-class investment services that unlock the capital needed to fuel the rapid and sustainable growth of businesses committed to positively impacting the lives of low-income populations is possible.




SourceTrace is a global leader in providing digital solutions to agriculture and food businesses. We enable full visibility into the agricultural and food value chain, with touchpoints across every stage – from farm to retail. Our SAAS solution and agri value chain management software make farming sustainable, supply chains efficient and bring transparency and traceability into food trade across 32 countries.




Life expectancy in India is 14-18 years lower than that in many developed countries. A lack of primary healthcare in India, particularly in smaller cities and villages outside of major urban centers, results in poor health outcomes and shortened life expectancy.

Sevamob delivers primary healthcare through mobile clinics to low-income groups for an annual subscription ranging from $4 USD for children and $10 USD for adults. Mobile clinics are supplied with software (operable offline and from remote locations) to track patient medical records. Sevamob also launched India’s first telehealth marketplace where patients are able to receive video consultations, second opinions, and in-clinic appointments from participating health providers.